Gallery Task

I was not a fan of the gallery task, but i got through it.

We began thinking about what we could do and before we had even decided on a solid plan other groups were up to their second iteration of their work, at this point i just began telling people to do thing, you want to black out the words on a tape? do it. you want to hang things from the ceiling. do it. my role in this task was just mostly as intermediary my actual function in the group worked as a kind of manager giving people permission to do things, which i never enjoy.

it turned out all right, with the end task ending up being about denying access. We were able to come to this conclusion by drawing a common theme between the works, we stopped people from watching the tape and reading the book, we put all our little thoughts inside a ball which is filled with pillow filling and then put some caution tape around the perimeter of the work to say "no access".
